Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Guest Blogger!

Don't be surprised if you come across the occasional post by a good friend of mine, Mr. Corrigan. Some of you have met the man (and fortunate you were.) The past fifteen years for me have been filled with talking with this man, both in laughter and in argument. It's become almost habit with me to want to flesh out ideas with him; those who know us well find our pack mentality in debate annoying. But, to quote Mr. Miyagi, "If done right, no can defense."

What I'm saying is that this is a friend so dear to me that any thought without his stamp seems only half complete to me. And so he has graciously accepted my invitation to throw his own thoughts in here from time to time.

1 comment:

Window_Bandit said...

Hello Johnson. I just have a question. Why does the Catholic Church take such offense to the Body Worlds exhibits? Since when is basic human anatomy supposed to be suppressed. This incident parallels the Middle Ages when human autopsies had to performed in secret for fear of the Catholic Church.