Wednesday, July 9, 2008

desiderantes meliorem patriam … “they desire a better homeland…”

In looking over the blog, I've begun to wonder if we've come across as negative. One of my students wrote in on the com boxes that when I initially presented Chesterton to him, he was turned off, because he saw him as arrogant. Once he realized that Chesterton was anything but arrogant, he was open to what he had to say. My concern is that in trashing those things that rightly deserve to be trashed, Mr. Johnson and myself come off as arrogant as well. Arrogance, or even its appearance, can turn people off from the truth.

Like Chesterton, nothing could be further from the truth with us. I know just enough to know how little I know. More importantly, I know enough to know how much more I could be doing in the world. I'm aware enough to see that there are still giants out there, even in our age, strong, uncompromising, yet handling themselves and those around them with charity and grace.

Some of those giants make their living in downtown Edmonton, at a place called the Marian Centre. They live in the middle of the worst part of Edmonton, having taken promises of obedience, chastity and poverty that they take very seriously. They spend their days praying and helping the poor. They make meals for the poor daily, and live off the same things they give out donations. They are part of a larger group called the Madonna Apostolate. Most of them are not Priests or religious, but just regular folks who have chosen to live a different way.

They, like many of us, were shocked to hear that the famous abortionist Dr. Henry Morgantaler was recently given the Order of Canada for his work in spreading abortion clinics across the country. Unlike me, they did something about it.

Go here to read about it, make sure to scroll down to read their powerful letter to the Governor General.


Anonymous said...

The Madonna House article was fantastic. Inspirational, really.

Also, Mr. C, do you have any information on how the Governor General responded to that?

Mr. Corrigan said...

No word Joe, least not that I've seen. I'm hoping that this story won't just go away though.

Marina Reid said...

I saw a bit about this on the news but I wasn't paying attention. Wow. That is the absolute best thing I've ever heard of. What a way to, for lack of a better term, stick it to the man.

Hey Mr. Corrigan, this is totally off topic, BUT... I hope you don't mind that I've used your last name in a play I'm writing for my theatre company. I just couldn't think of a better name. I thought I should let you know seeing as how in this play Mr. Corrigan is a kind of mean boss at a resteraunt... but it's no reflection on how I feel about you, I swear!

Ben P. said...

Just thought I'd throw this in there but you say that you do not do as much for the world as you could.
To be fair, nobody truly does. But in my opinion, you and Mr. Johnson spreading your knowledge and openly discussing opinions and point of views with us opens our minds to a better world.

Thanks guys!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Ben. Also. If someones a heretic (or pleb, or anything in between, or just stupid) they need to be aware of it. Yes you might come off as an arrogant person. And yes, you wont win a lot of friends. The philosophies that Chesterton and other greats taught to us through our greats, Caesar's Johnson and Corrigan, are not conducive with our society. This cult of the feel good, and no negative thought garbage is really starting to piss me off. But all the same, we need to go out there as the missionary/crusader duty we are called to take up in the name of the Church. And if we have to lose all the sycophantic (excuse the spelling) friends that we all know we have, or burn like the martyrs of old, so be it. I have pledged my allegiance for marching on Constantinople before, and here again, I swear, by my life or death, I can spread the Truth of Catholicism, I shall.

Jeremy W.
(I know, sort of off topic from the rest of the article, I was just in response to the first paragraph)