"It's Clobberin' time!"
The quote is, of course, attributed to the Thing. And while the line from Marvel comics isn't scintillating, at least his prose doesn't fall into some of the pitfalls of other, more prominent American writers.
Speaking of which:

Here is one of the best threads I've ever seen covering various errors in Dan Brown's works. No, wait! It's just the errors he made in his new-to-be-made-in-a-movie-starring-Tom-Hanks-and -Tom's-Bad-Haircut! Angels and Demons!
Seriously. And don't stop at the blogger's words; read some of the additions by his commenters. Hilarious. I'm actually glad that Rob Howard is making a second one. It gives me an excuse to continue with the ranting!
dude, i couldn't make it through that whole article, that's ridiculous
Johnson, I enjoy your rage and encourage you to continue with how irate you feel about certain topics.
Anger on, brother, anger on!
One quick comment about Dan Brown...since when was he a ever considered to be a biblical or a canonical authority? Does he have some sort of education relevant to what he "appears" to know so well? No!
In the words of the immortal Public Enemy..."Don't Believe The Hype!"
Angry Scot(t)
The man's no authority, and never would be, except in a world that is a) antagonistic towards Christianity and b) historically illiterate.
Way too many people give this guy credence. When DaVinci Code was rolling around there were a ton(nne) of teachers at our school that ate it up and half-believed it. I know of a few (outside our school, thank God) who even wanted it added to the curriculum.
Garvin, I couldn't make it to the end either. But I found some of the objections pretty funny. Mpre ore less EVERYthing is wrong in the book.
Added to the curriculum?!?!?! Dear god, for the sake of all that is holy no! Please tell me they never succeeded, PLEASE.
I think that's another reason to hate Dan Brown. He helps us see just how antagonistic toward Christianity and historically illiterate we are becoming. As well as just plain stupid.
I wont lie, I ate up The DaVinci Code when I first read it. But at the same time, I was going through my Atheist phase and was looking for any sort of fodder to feed my objections toward religion.
That was brilliant! I know I have gotten into arguments with my parents over his books - they seem to love his writing. (They are also big fans of "The Secret" - Need I say more?)
That blogger inexplicably wrote an entirely new book... which would probably be a better read than any of Mr. Browns rubbish.
I agree with this but its clobberin time is actually the thing from fantastic 4 and not the hulk.
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