Tuesday, July 29, 2008

This Week in the News!

So a lot of my students have heard me talk about torture, particularly how the soul of America is fighting through this issue right now. Well, here's an interesting story on how fiction helped certain people sneak torture in through the back door of America.


Is it possible that this level of stupidity can really affect policy?


Marina Reid said...

This is so ridiculous it's sad. Aside from the obvious "I can't believe they were stupid enough to think those things" reaction, there's also the "I can't believe they were stupid enough to ADMIT they thought those things." Do they not realize how dumb they look?
Honestly, some people...

Anonymous said...

Johnson, I guess when it comes to the current administration and the decisions they make, nothing really surprises me at all.

Despite international conventions that ban the use of torture, America (and I pray not Canada) continue to use techniques such as waterboarding. Bush even signed an executive order to ban the use of torture, but waterboarding was ominously missing from what was defined as torture.

Now I realize that bashing Bush seems trendy and he makes a far too easy target. However, his brazenness to ignore international agreements just astounds me.

Anonymous said...